8 Quickest U.S. Grants

In a rush? Need some help finding the fastest application processes in our American database? We’ve got you covered!

Pocketed Grant Platform
4 min readJul 9, 2021


A few weeks ago, we released a blog going over the grants with the quickest application processes in our Canadian database!

So, we thought, what about our American friends? They probably need some fast grants to apply to as well! When a grant is listed as “quick” on our platform, that means it usually takes under an hour to complete.

Without further ado, here are the fastest grants to apply to on our American database!

1. WomensNet Grants

The WomensNet Grants are accessible with only one application. This single application makes you eligible for the $10,000 Monthly Amber Grants, the $25,000 Annual Amber Grants, the three-times yearly Marketing Grants, the $5,000 quarter-year Non-Profit Grants, the $5,000 monthly Business Specific Grants, and the $2,000 Mini Grants (with 2021’s pool at $48,000.)

The womens’ business grants have an annual value of $320,000.

2. Awesome Disability Grant

Awesome Disability is an independent chapter of the Awesome Foundation and provides no-strings-attached micro-grants to people with disabilities who have ideas for projects within the disabled community.

A winner per month is awarded $1,000 and applications are accepted between the 1st and 15th of every month.

3. IFundWomen Universal Grant Application

The IFundWomen Universal Grant Application takes about 7 to 20 minutes to fill out. Their website has over 20 categories of grants, but the universal application will put you into the database for ones you are eligible for.

The amount for each grant varies, but IFW secured more than $8 million in grant funding when they started and have only given away 40% of it so far.

4. SoGal Black Founder Startup Grant

The SoGal Black Founder Startup Grant is open to Black non-binary or women entrepreneurs (including multiracial Black folks) with legally registered businesses.

Eligible businesses must plan to seek investor funding in the future. They also must have a business with a scalable, high-impact solution or idea. The awardees who are chosen will win either $5,000 or $10,000 grants.

5. Small Business Tax Credit for Employee Coronavirus Vaccinations

This tax credit is available to employers to allow their employees to take time off to get vaccinated or recover from vaccination-related conditions.

Employers will be reimbursed through money taken out of what the employer would usually pay in Medicare taxes — up to $511 per day or $5,110 in total.

6. The Awesome Foundation STEAM Chapter Grant

The STEAM Chapter of the Awesome Foundation gives out monthly $1,000 no-strings-attached grants.

They are available to anyone wanting to make the world awesome in the fields of science, technology, engineering, math, and art.

7. Awesome Without Borders Grant

Awesome Without Borders, through The Harnisch Foundation, gives out weekly no-strings-attached $1,000 grants.

The grants are to support creative ideas and projects that focus on film/media and leadership. Eligible projects will increase representation in age, class, race, gender, sexuality, and/or ability.

8. Sales Tax Exclusion Program

The California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority wants to provide financial incentives, in the form of a sales and use tax, to companies that promote alternative energy and advanced transportation.

The amount varies, but there are $100 million in sales and use tax exclusions (STE) for each calendar year.

The program is authorized until 2025 and is currently oversubscribed for the 2021 year. Applications for the 2021 waitlist are still being accepted in the case that additional STE become available.

So, there you go! Eight grants that you can complete in the blink of an eye.

Put aside less than an hour of your time and start applying! Your overflowing pockets will thank you 😉

Want to access even more fast grants (and maybe some longer ones too)? Create your free Pocketed account today!



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